I am welcoming calls and inquiries regarding the Mokelumne Bluffs Nature Estates, a 98 lot, fully entitled green subdivision project in rural Amador County near Pine Grove. This beautiful 138 acre site is now fully entitled for 98 single family estate lots, each 1 acre or greater in size. Designed using "low impact development" principles and green design techniques beginning with considerations on how to least impact the naturally existing flora and fauna, this site will also include a 2 1/2 mile walking trail, one each of a tennis and basketball court, two "kiddie" play areas, and staging at each end of the walking trail. All naturally existing wildlife corridors have been identified and protected during site design, and an Oak and Woodland Mitigation Plan as well as a Wildlife Habitat Mitigation Plan will insure that this incredibly beautiful site is preserved forever for the enjoyment of new homeowners as well as the native animals and plants which enhance its natural beauty.
The second, larger and more "long term" project is a proposed green Resort and Sustainable, Village community known as Golden Vale. This project has been accepted as a study project during the Amador County Genral Plan update process which is currently taking place. The site currently includes zoning for 486 multi-family residential units (the most dense zoniing in Amador County at this time) but has been proposed to be developed as a green resort and sustainable, multi-use village community. The developers hope to bring an upscale reort similar to the Carneros Inn in Napa Valley to the Gold Country, as well as a sustainable village commjunity which will be a model for this beautiful region of California.
Inquiries on Both Projects Being Accepted at This Time. Please contat Project Manager Krista Clem-O'Sullivan at 209-296-1591m, or kristaclem999@hotmail.com